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Place des Bergues 3
1201 Genève (CH)
T: +41 22 552 55 55


The iceBergues was born in 2018 as a place and association created with local artists and creators to promote cultural and educational projects.

From the interior design and store activity, we kept only the design and staging of spaces. For each event, we change the staging of spaces to meet the specific needs of users.

The stocks of furniture, lighting, artworks and objects collected allow quick transformation of the spaces.

In addition, we continue to offer our expertise for public and private settings in the region, with a particular focus on the lighting of spaces.

What we like

The iceBergues reflects our desire to unite people around inspiring projects and participate in the development of eclectic achievements in all fields.

The approach is to welcome and participate in the implementation and smooth running of events that take place in our midst, while respecting a strict ethical charter and partnerships reflecting our values (fair remuneration of stakeholders, local products, recycling imposed, use of second-hand materials preferred …)

To inspire you

Here is a gallery of images to give you an idea of the spirit of the place, the possible uses and some examples of memorable events…

And here’s a playlist of 7 videos from an AHCI exhibit at iceBergues in spring 2022. These videos give a good idea of what’s possible at iceBergues, where versatility goes hand in hand with a personalized experience.

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